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Adding luxury to your home – chickidee

Chickidee is a British Independent Home Interiors brand designing beautifully affordable Interiors that positively affecthow we feel. Agile and responsive to trends we are overcoming the challenges of small space living with mindful design.Our story starts with our founder Joe, his amazing Family and a passion for Interior Design. Joe started Chickidee becausehe had a question nobody could answer. “Why do really well designed Interiors have to be so expensive?” Joe decided that great design should be inclusive, for everyone and Chickidee was born. Who doesn’t love a touch of glam in the home? Our opulence range brings together golds, glassware and intricate marble for that luxurious look. A fragranced homeOur opulence range wouldn’t be complete without a way to liven up those other senses. Luxury isn’t just about appearances; luxury is about how a space makes you feel. It should lift your mood and create a striking atmosphere that hits you as soon as you step into a room. There’s no better way to do this than by tapping into that……

Today Those around you are harder to deal with than usual, but where can you go? It’s just one of those days when you need to accommodate people a little more than usual. You can endure. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week Early in the week, you could be enlisted to work on a significant and meaningful group project. If there’s a way you can give back to your community through your work, so much the better! You’ll feel strongly that collaboration now can advance your own personal goals later. Later, you’ll be drawn even more than usual to fun, artistic activities and spontaneous, flirtatious dates. Events will have a way of playing out exactly as they’re meant to, as opposed to how you envision them, so going with the flow will be the best way to enjoy this magical time. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This Month Exciting Developments Pisces, this……

Today Sudden changes just don’t faze you like they do most people, but since you’re surrounded by people, it still means you’ve got work to do today. Help shepherd them through the worst of it. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week At the beginning of the week, you could feel very strongly that you need to spend time decompressing from the stresses of everyday life. You could feel like you’ve been maxed out physically and emotionally, so a time-out for self-care is warranted. Later in the week, your attention could be drawn to areas of your wellness routine that could use bolstering. Whether you’ve been paying for a gym membership that you rarely use or you feel like it’s time to get back to the basics by upping your veggie and water intake, now is the time to take a microscope to the situation and address it in a creative, proactive way. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you……

Today At least one of your people, and likely many more, could be making trouble for you. Demands flow in more rapidly than you can process them, but the good news is that they should slow down by this evening. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week At the beginning of the week, you could be feeling emotionally sensitive, especially when it comes to how others are perceiving you and other self-image-related issues. You’ll want to carve out time to prioritize self-care, maybe even putting other responsibilities on the back burner temporarily. Doing your best to think about the current situation in relation to your big-picture goals puts it all in perspective. Later, your focus turns to an unresolved conflict you may have with your significant other or a close friend or colleague. You’d do well to focus on compassionate solutions that serve you both in the short term and the long term. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you……

Today Creative juices are flowing today. That could mean it’s time to make a cake or that it’s time to launch an entirely new career as an artist. It’s up to you, but this energy must be put to use. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week At the start of the week, you could be reflecting on what you’re willing to give in order to receive something of value (think in terms of your time for money or contending with power struggles in your work relationships). Zooming out and looking at the big picture helps you gain clarity. Later in the week, the cosmos requires that you take special care to express your desires to your partner or another someone special. You would also do well to go back over the details around your joint resources, getting reorganized and finding common ground on financial disagreements. Then you can both move forward in an even more rewarding way. Who were you in a past life? Discover where……

Today This is not a good time for you to expect privileged treatment from the boss or any other authority figures. Ask for no more than you can reasonably expect to get from them. Lie low for a while. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week You might be stressed if you feel like you’re not being heard in the way you’d ideally like to be early in the week. Check off all those minor chores on your to-do list so you can reflect on and take action on these big-picture questions. Later in the week, you’re inspired to get carried away with one of your wildest fantasies. If you’ve wanted to hit the road with your significant other, dive into a bold, artistic project, or declare how you feel to a potential partner in a dramatic way, this is the perfect time to do it! Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This Month……

Today Explore your creative side today. Things are definitely looking up for you, but you’ve got to make sure that all options are open. Things should start to settle down pretty quickly. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week Early this week, you might have to address an ongoing emotional conflict with a loved one. Or you could find that it’s time to consider shaking things up with regard to your home, kicking off a major redecorating effort or even planning for a move. You can trust your gut to lead the way. Later, the cosmos could throw a wrench in ongoing professional endeavors and create confusion in communications with higher-ups. You might need to go back to the drawing board on a project you thought was completed. Doing your best to take it in stride can help you cope. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This Month Money and Resources Libra, you’ll be……

Today A big plan may be unraveling somewhat today, so see if you can force it to abide by your will. That could take all your energy, but you can tell that it will soon be replenished. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week Being tapped to take on a major creative project or finding yourself craving fun, magical, lighthearted time with someone special could very well be your focus early in the week. Either way, the moment calls for you to tap in to your natural ability to express yourself and open up about what’s in your heart. Later in the week is a prime time to reconnect with former colleagues, casual acquaintances, or dear friends. By catching up over happy hour or an impromptu phone call, you could muse about the past and even pinpoint promising ways to work together in the future. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This Month Straight……

Today You’ve got enough heart for any problems that come your way today, though they may avoid you if they know what’s good for them! You can use your energy to solve problems all over town. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week Facing a harsh reality related to your wellness and coming up with a realistic game plan that you can implement into every day life may be necessary at the start of the week. If you haven’t been putting your nose to the grindstone to work out, eat clean, or prioritize self-care that bolsters your emotional well-being, you might be feeling a setback now. Thankfully, you’ll have the energy and focus to make significant, meaningful changes. Later in the week, it could be tough to see any progress on your personal goals. Tuning in to your intuition now can make for momentum down the road. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This……

Today Don’t worry about how great things are today. You do deserve this, and you shouldn’t fear for the future. Life is getting even better, actually, as long as you push yourself to do things right. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today. This Week Facing critical issues with your significant other, business partner, or a close friend could feel imperative at the beginning of the week. You’d do well to open up about how you really feel, then see how you can find a balance between your needs and theirs. Later, the cosmos signals a sweet time for romance and relaxation. If you find yourself getting swept up in your daydreams, planning a trip, or thinking about another eye-opening experience you can enjoy with someone you care about, there’s no reason to rein it in! Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report. This Month Creative and Therapeutic Cancer, the focus on Scorpio and your leisure sector……