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You’ve got enough heart for any problems that come your way today, though they may avoid you if they know what’s good for them! You can use your energy to solve problems all over town. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

Facing a harsh reality related to your wellness and coming up with a realistic game plan that you can implement into every day life may be necessary at the start of the week. If you haven’t been putting your nose to the grindstone to work out, eat clean, or prioritize self-care that bolsters your emotional well-being, you might be feeling a setback now. Thankfully, you’ll have the energy and focus to make significant, meaningful changes. Later in the week, it could be tough to see any progress on your personal goals. Tuning in to your intuition now can make for momentum down the road. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

Home and Family

The emphasis on family and domestic matters continues this month, Leo, making this a time of new possibilities and dynamic change. As savvy Mercury moves into Scorpio and this sector on November 5, it’s time to set your intentions and make a few plans. If you’re ready to get rid of clutter, this is one of the best times to go ahead.

The new moon supermoon in your domestic zone on the fourth brings an opportunity to take things to the next level. A word of warning, though. Because this lunar phase opposes disruptive Uranus, it means that you might be tempted to make some impulsive moves. While this won’t matter with minor issues, you could lose out if your idea involves a lot of money.

Lovely Venus moves into Capricorn and your lifestyle sector on November 5. Her presence here can act as a sweetener, making easy to get along with co-workers, clients, and others. This can be a great time for teamwork and connecting with others on your wavelength who share your goals and interests.

The lunar eclipse in a high-flying zone on the nineteenth could bring you recognition for work well done and see the completion of a plan or project. At the same time, feelings could run high, so be careful about what you say or do because your reputation could be affected.

Get ready to enjoy more leisurely activities as the sun eases into Sagittarius and your pleasure zone on November 21. If you have brilliant ideas or talents to share with the world, now is the time to go for it. And if you need some downtime to explore those hobbies or interests you most enjoy, it can do you a world of good.

Finally, lively Mercury moving into Sagittarius on the twenty-fourth makes this a good time to learn a new skill, especially if it has a creative slant. If you’re looking for romance, you’ll be drawn to someone well traveled.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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