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Those around you are harder to deal with than usual, but where can you go? It’s just one of those days when you need to accommodate people a little more than usual. You can endure. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

Early in the week, you could be enlisted to work on a significant and meaningful group project. If there’s a way you can give back to your community through your work, so much the better! You’ll feel strongly that collaboration now can advance your own personal goals later. Later, you’ll be drawn even more than usual to fun, artistic activities and spontaneous, flirtatious dates. Events will have a way of playing out exactly as they’re meant to, as opposed to how you envision them, so going with the flow will be the best way to enjoy this magical time. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

Exciting Developments

Pisces, this month’s lively focus on your sector of far horizons encourages you to be bold. With warrior Mars, the sun, and clever Mercury (as of November 5) in Scorpio, it’s time to head out and make some exciting new discoveries. If you managed to resolve awkward issues over recent weeks, you can now start with a clean slate. Use this chance to seize those opportunities by taking a new path and enhancing your experience of life.

You’ll also have help from the new moon supermoon in Scorpio on the fourth. This turbocharged lunar phase encourages you to kick-start any new plans or projects that may have been on the back burner for a while. If you’re serious about something, this is your chance to commit to making it happen. 

Don’t be too impatient, though, especially since electric Uranus opposes this new moon. Avoid jumping into anything on the spur of the moment. Equally, don’t let distractions knock you off course.

Lovely Venus moves into Capricorn on November 5, so your social life will have extra sparkle. It’s time to connect with the movers and shakers who inspire you. You’ll enjoy being around influential people, and their successful ideas can motivate you to explore new options yourself.

There’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and your sector of talk and thought on the nineteenth, so you could become quite emotional about an issue that needs discussion. Don’t hold it all in. Instead, talk it over with a friend or confidant who might be able to help you gain a fresh perspective on it. Unburdening yourself could help ease any anxious thoughts considerably.

Finally, as the sun moves into Sagittarius and a high-flying zone on November 21, followed by chatty Mercury three days later, it’s your time to shine. The coming four weeks or so are your opportunity to enjoy being in the spotlight as you showcase your skills and talents. Be bold and good things can come your way.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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