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This is not a good time for you to expect privileged treatment from the boss or any other authority figures. Ask for no more than you can reasonably expect to get from them. Lie low for a while. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

You might be stressed if you feel like you’re not being heard in the way you’d ideally like to be early in the week. Check off all those minor chores on your to-do list so you can reflect on and take action on these big-picture questions. Later in the week, you’re inspired to get carried away with one of your wildest fantasies. If you’ve wanted to hit the road with your significant other, dive into a bold, artistic project, or declare how you feel to a potential partner in a dramatic way, this is the perfect time to do it! Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

On a Mission

The sun and dynamic Mars are in your sign, Scorpio, which means you’re a live wire as this month gets underway. Your magnetic personality will be on full display, as will your courage and intense approach to life. This is the time to focus on those ideas and opportunities that are closest to your heart. Others might call you selfish, but don’t take any notice. If you can’t indulge now, when can you?

Plus, there’s a new moon supermoon in your sign on November 4, which can be the starting point for initiating plans, projects, and new habits. Whatever you want to build, create, or make a business out of, this is the time to go for it. 

There is one thing to watch out for, however. This lunar phase opposes revolutionary Uranus, which could spell trouble. You might do something on the spur of the moment that you come to regret later.

Gorgeous Venus moves into Capricorn and your sector of talk and thought on the fifth, which can be excellent for negotiating, closing deals, and resolving personal difficulties. If you’ve had an argument or falling out with anyone, this planet’s soothing presence can encourage you to reach out and make amends.

The lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 19 takes place in your sector of relating and could expose what you really think about your partner and what they think about you. Feelings could be running high, so avoid doing or saying anything you might later regret. Holding key conversations a few days from this date, when things are more settled, would be much more fruitful.

Finally, finances come into focus as the sun eases into Sagittarius on the twenty-first, followed by dealmaker Mercury three days later. You might have big spending plans, but don’t spend more than you can afford if you want to stay in control.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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