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Explore your creative side today. Things are definitely looking up for you, but you’ve got to make sure that all options are open. Things should start to settle down pretty quickly. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

Early this week, you might have to address an ongoing emotional conflict with a loved one. Or you could find that it’s time to consider shaking things up with regard to your home, kicking off a major redecorating effort or even planning for a move. You can trust your gut to lead the way. Later, the cosmos could throw a wrench in ongoing professional endeavors and create confusion in communications with higher-ups. You might need to go back to the drawing board on a project you thought was completed. Doing your best to take it in stride can help you cope. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

Money and Resources

Libra, you’ll be busy with money matters and eager to get everything in order this month. Do you have a financial plan? If not, the coming weeks are an excellent time to create one. 

The new moon in Scorpio on November 4 brings an opportunity to clear out emotional baggage by making the intention to do so. If you need the help of a coach or therapist, it might make this process easier. A new beginning is possible if you take those first steps forward.

Lovely Venus, your guide planet, moves into Capricorn and your home and family sector on the fifth. Her presence here over the coming weeks could be a call to get your place spruced up and make it more colorful. Relationships on the home front will be easier. If there are any difficulties, this harmonious planet can help you come to grips with them and smooth them away.

There are aspects of this month that could lead you to take impulsive actions. The new moon on November 4 opposes Uranus. Chatty Mercury opposes the planet on the thirteenth, and feisty Mars opposes it four days after that. As tempting as it sounds to jump out of the old and embrace the new, it’s better to do so with a sound plan. That way you can avoid jeopardizing 

The full moon eclipse in Taurus and an intense sector on November 19 is a brilliant opportunity to let go of anything that no longer serves your best interests. If a situation has run its course and you know it, releasing it can pave the way for fresh developments.

Finally, the radiant sun moves into Sagittarius on the twenty-first, followed by dealmaker Mercury three days later. This bright and breezy blend of energies could find you eager to connect and communicate. And while you are usually very tactful, there could be moments when you feel no qualms about telling it exactly like it is.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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