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Someone is taking you just a bit too seriously today, but it’s not your fault! They’re just not quite on your wavelength, and that could mean that you’ve just got to speak more carefully. Want even more insight? Get your personalized Birth Chart today.

This Week

As the week begins, you’ll be considering issues of give-and-take within your closest relationships. You might also have to discuss difficult joint money concerns. You’ll do well to express your needs, while respecting a loved one’s need to express theirs. Later in the week is an ideal time to brainstorm and let your imagination run wild. There’s no limit to the colorful, unique, and potentially lucrative ideas that you can come up with now. Given the social energy of the moment, sharing them with colleagues can make for even greater rewards. Who were you in a past life? Discover where your karma will lead you with a personalized Karma Report.

This Month

Systems and Strategies

The sun and fiery Mars are moving through Scorpio and your lifestyle sector, Gemini, so the coming weeks bring a chance to make changes to your routines. If you know you’re not being as productive as you could be, this is a chance to adopt systems and strategies that can help you get more done. 

The new moon and supermoon in this same sector on November 4 could spur you on, inspiring you to make more time for other things. If you’ve become something of a workaholic over recent months, it’s time to improve your work/life balance. 

Messenger Mercury moves into Scorpio on the fifth, encouraging you to set your intentions and plan for success. Cutting out activities that are a waste of time might be the first thing to consider.

There might be times this month when you’re very eager to escape any situation that seems to be holding you back or limiting your potential. For instance, warrior Mars opposes Uranus on November 17, which could find you champing at the bit and eager to have more freedom to do as you please. However, it would be better to plan first and consider your safety and security before making a jump.

The lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus on the nineteenth can be another reminder that relaxing and recharging are not a waste of time but a necessity. This allows you to refill your creative well, so make it nonnegotiable. With your energy stocks replenished, you can get back to work with enthusiasm.

Finally, the sun’s move into Sagittarius on November 21, followed by chatty Mercury three days later, brings energy and sparkle to your relationships. You’ll be eager to network with those who have big dreams and ideas and are open-minded about many things in life. Teamwork and collaboration on key projects can bring some exciting successes.Reveal real-time guidance at your fingertips with the first-ever, astrology-centric digital dashboard. Get started with Astrology Plus today!

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